Saturday, April 29, 2017

How to find a place by using Google Earth

How to find a place by using Google Earth

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Back again with me in my blog. In this moment I want to tell you about Google Earth. What is Google Earth? Google Earth is one of many program in the technology of the computer. Google Earth has many function. One of them, you can use to search a location in this earth. OK, In this topic I want to tell you about find a place by using Google Earth. For Example find the University of  Tanjungpura, Pontianak.

The next is directions how to find the University of  Tanjungpura, Pontianak in this earth by using Google Earth. Before you try to operation it, you must have installed in your computer and your computer has connected to internet. Ok let’s go.
Step 1
Open Google Earth in your computer ( double click in that icon) and please wait a moment until Google Earth is open. So,you can see that picture.


Step 2
After Google Earth is open. Look at the box in upper left of the Google Earth.

Step 3
Write keyword what do you want to find. For Example “University of  Tanjungpura, Pontianak” and than click “search”
Step 4
Please wait a moment until the Google Eart is success find that location.
Step 5
Finally, the location has been found. You can zoom in or zoom out that picture to looking for detail of your location.

So, That is my directions how to find a place by using Google Earth. I apologize if there are some mistake in my words. Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.